Dear readers
The players are getting to the end of their campaign. Unfortunately, the day has not been good for most of them.
Only Xiang and Gavin progress to the qtrs in the singles.
Xiang is out of the doubles with Titus after meeting HD and Justin. He was also knocked out of the MX by the No. 4 seed. Xiang should progress further in his singles.
Gavin will also continue his fight in the MX plate with Bella. He also has the MD plate with Edward. Gavin plays No. 3 seed Simon Leung tomorrow.
Jasper is out of his singles plate event. Amanda and him were also knocked out in the MX plate. Kai Chen and him fought well in the MD but could not beat the No. seed. Jasper is also still young and will be able to play in the Under 19s comp for quite a few years still. Good luck to him. He grows stronger at every competition.
Tyz is out of the doubles and mixed doubles. He meets Jacob again in the plate qtr. He was not able to progress in the MX with his young partner Victoria He losing to the No. 2 seed Justin Lee and T Ho.
Tyz and his brother Jaz have played in their last Under 19s comp together. They played well but could not progress to the quarters. Jaz is I understand quite upset that this is his last Under 19s. Well, he has golf to look forward to and the further reduction of his 9 handicap. I have told him he has to choose between golf or badminton. I am personally hoping he chooses golf as badminton takes out too much out of his old man.
Edward Fan is out of the singles but still has a chance in the MD plate event with Gavin.
Geri is out of the S, WD and MX. She has been a great asset to the WA state team. She will continue to fight for more honours in the Under 15s in October.
Julia is also out of the 3 events after losing the MX to No. 1 seed Guda and Alice Wu. She also lost her WD to No. 3 seeds Tiffany Ho and Janet Son. Julia was another great addition to the WA team event. Hopefully, she will continue to play in the Under 19s next year.
Young Kai Chen, the rising star will have learned lots from this experience. He lost to No. 5 seed Eddie Luk in the singles. He also lost in the MD with Jasper against the No. 1 seed A Joe and S Leung. Julia and Kai Chen also got knocked out by the No.1 MX pair Daniel Guda and Alice Wu. So all in all Kai Chen has done well at less than 15 years of age in an Under 19s comp.
Amanda playing in her first national comp will have grown so much in her skills. She lost in her singles plate event to No. 2 seed K Lowe. She also lost her MX plate against much older and stronger K Patil and S Fan. She still has her WD plate with Bella tomorrow. Good luck to her. She is another great new player for WA. No airs, no attitude. Just a good girl playing hard for her state.
Bella, Bella, Bella. What can we say about this young girl who migrated to WA not that many months ago and who has already made a great mark in WA badminton. She has beaten many of the much older players. Bella and Gavin remain in the plate MX event and should progress further tomorrow. Bella lost to No. 4 seed Alice Wu in the singles. Bella will get stronger. Watch out NSW and Vic. She continues her fight with Amanda tomorrow. Good luck to them.
What about Captain Titus? He was knocked out with Xiang by HD and Justin Lee who are seeded 3. It was a close 3 setter but it was not to be for Titus. Titus did not play in the MX. He could not progress past Raymond Sing in the singles. Titus should stand proud that he has brought back a bronze medal for WA in his last Under 19s nationals despite having such a young team. I am sure he will continue to excel in the Senior team and wish him good luck.
Tomorrow is another day. Bye.
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